Join us for the 21st Annual Waeger C.U.P. to benefit the National Collegiate Cancer Foundation’s scholarship program will be held at the Links at Gettysburg on Sunday, October 5, 2025. Please join us for a day of great golf and friendship!
For more information regarding registration and sponsorships, please email megrodgers11@yahoo.com.
Each year NCCF holds a golf tournament to raise money for our scholarship program. NCCF is one of the only national organizations to provide direct financial assistance to young adults with cancer. Since 2006, NCCF has awarded over 750 scholarships to deserving and inspiring cancer survivors.
Fees & Registration
Golf fees are $125 per person/$500 per foursome. For those only joining the dinner/auction, the fee is $30.
To Register for Golf (or to donate):
1) Fill out the 2024 Waeger CUP brochure and mail it with a check to:
c/o Meg Rodgers
8334 North Brook Ln
Bethesda, MD 20814
2) Pay by credit card by making an online donation on our website. Visit https://collegiatecancer.org/donate/ click the “DONATE” button and send an email to megrodgers11@yahoo.com with your foursome or sponsorship information
Donations & Sponsorships
We have plenty of sponsorship opportunities, ranging from our $100 hole sponsorship to $5,000 title sponsorship. We take all donations, big or small. We can also work with you to enable corporate gifts and matching donations. And we rely on donations of all sorts of items to support our auction and raffle items. We need everything- NFL tickets, vacation home donations, gift cards from local restaurants and anything we can get!
To donate a hole or other sponsorships, please click here. To donate goods, please contact Meg Rodgers at megrodgers11@yahoo.com or Patrice Urban at patriceurban@yahoo.com